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Writing for the Public

Will begin in Spring 2023 - Dates/Time TBC


These classes will take place via Zoom

A series of six classes run by our editor, Anthony Morgan (and special guests), to help PhD students in philosophy and the humanities to learn the skills necessary to write for non-academic publications.

Writing for the Public
Writing for the Public

Time & Location

Will begin in Spring 2023 - Dates/Time TBC

These classes will take place via Zoom

About the event

It is increasingly important for academic philosophers to be able to write well for non-academic audiences. Furthermore, the precarity of the academic job market means that learning the skills of public writing could be essential in a career beyond academia. If you are a PhD student in philosophy or the humanities and have never written for a non-academic publication, this class is open to you. 

Over the six sessions, our editor Anthony Morgan, along with some other guests from the world of public philosophy, will help you to develop and write an essay from initial idea to completion. All essays written by students of this course will be published on 's website during 2023. The Philosopher

This class is only open to six students, so there will be an application process and a place is not guaranteed. If it proves to be popular, we will do our best to run the course several times in order to allow for as many people as possible to participate.          

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