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Robert Wyllie and Steven Knepper
19 min read
"Five Ways to Read Byung-Chul Han": An Essay by Robert Wyllie and Steven Knepper (Keywords: Hyperculture; Burnout; Zen Buddhism; Social Critique; Beauty; Continental Philosophy)
"Han implies that philosophy is not for professional philosophers but for everyone, so that we can better understand our exhausting times."
Mary Peterson
10 min read
“On Cancelling and Repair”: An essay by Mary Peterson (Keywords: Sexual Harassment; Restorative Justice; Carceral Feminism; himpathy; Trauma; Universities)
"For restorative justice to work, the perpetrators’ delusions, entitlement, rationalizations, and smearing of victims must stop."
Heather King
7 min read
"Metaphorizing Animals": An Essay by Heather King (Keywords: Animals; Art; Literature; Selfhood)
"What sort of selves do literary works create? More broadly still, what kinds of selves does any manner of artwork create?"
"Spinoza after Politics": Dan Taylor, Gil Morejon, Marie Wuth, and Jack Stetter (Keywords: Human Nature; Affects; Anarchism; State; Law; Imagination; War)
"The more we affect and are affected by others, the more we can perceive and understand the plurality of other human lives and experiences."
Will Franken
17 min read
"On Violent Laughter (and Other Comedic First Principles)": An Essay by Will Franken (Keywords: Humour; Satire; Happiness; Subversion; Identity; Plato; Aristotle)
"Comedic happiness, initiated through surprise and propelled by laughter, must constitute an act of subversion."
Kate Warlow-Corcoran
15 min read
"The Problem of Philosophical Deflection": An Essay by Kate Warlow-Corcoran (Keywords: Embodiment; Grief; Metaphilosophy; Iris Murdoch; Cora Diamond; J.M. Coetzee)
"Our habitual ways of speaking and thinking can seem inadequate to the task of expressing the reality of being human."
David Shoemaker
19 min read
"Living a Wisecracking Life": David Shoemaker in conversation with Will Franken (Keywords: Humour; Morality; Absurdism; Deception; Stereotyping; Shame)
"Absurdity, most generally, consists in a disparity between our expectations or pretentions and reality."
Johnny Brennan
16 min read
"Trust and the Plea for Recognition": An Essay by Johnny Brennan (Keywords: Trustworthiness; Character; Personhood; Security; Human Nature)
"Trust has value in itself because it is an expression of our agency, even of what we might call our personhood."
Elvira Basevich
10 min read
"Happy Caregiver Exploitation Day": An Essay by Elvira Basevich (Keywords: Motherhood; Upward Mobility; Reproductive Rights; Injustice; Identity; Rousseau)
"I want to be able to condemn the structural conditions of my exploitation without condemning the person I ended up becoming as a result."
Ignacio L. Moya
12 min read
"Transcendental Pessimism": An Essay by Ignacio L. Moya (Keywords: Metaphysics; Anti-natalism; Psychology; Schopenhauer; German Philosophy; History of Philosophy)
"if philosophical pessimism is to be seen as something more than a 'mere' temperament or attitude, what might this be?"
Henrique Carvalho and Anastasia Chamberlen
13 min read
"Questioning our Need for Punishment": Henrique Carvalho and Anastasia Chamberlen (Keywords: Justice; Hostile Solidarity; Public Philosophy; Sociology; Durkheim)
"We can perhaps summarise the philosophical problem of contemporary punishment outlined above as: it doesn’t work, and yet we need it."
"Released from Prison?": Contributions from the Reimagining Re-entry Public Philosophy Group (Keywords: Punishment; Phenomenology; Home; Institutionalization; Education; Power)
"Home is our anchor point within reality which gives us orientation and allows us to set out in new directions."
Hossein Dabbagh
8 min read
"The Value of Philosophy in a Market-Driven World": An Essay by Hossein Dabbagh (Keywords: Education; Humanities; Neoliberalism; Ethics; Critical Thinking; Social Justice)
"The emphasis on immediate economic returns overlooks the long-term societal benefits of a populace well-versed in philosophical reasoning"
Aaron James Wendland
8 min read
"Circling Back to the University: Public Philosophy and Pedagogy in the 21st Century": An Essay by Aaron James Wendland (Keywords: Academia; Ethics; Ukraine War; Emmanuel Levinas)
"The dialectical link between our scholarly and civic activities implies that the future of public philosophy lies in the universities."
Jeff Love
14 min read
"Alexandre Kojève and Universal Emancipation": An Essay by Jeff Love (Keywords: Hegel; Master-Slave; Freedom; Servitude; Biography)
"Do we accept our servitude, recognizing that all attempts to overcome it end in futility, or seek to abolish it in an act of self-erasure?"
Ellie Robson
11 min read
"Mary Midgley on Water and Thought: Is Public Philosophy Like Plumbing?": An Essay by Ellie Robson (Keywords: Public Philosophy; Metaphilosophy; A.J. Ayer; Descartes; Philosophical Lives; Solitude)
"What makes someone especially good at philosophy, argues Midgley, is a kind of perceptiveness, a power to distinguish what really matters."
Hannah H. Kim
11 min read
"Life as a 'Non-standard' Narrative" By Hannah Kim (Keywords: Selfhood; Identity; Literature; East-Asian Fiction; Collectivity)
"By questioning the default story form, we question the default views on what kinds of lives we’ve been trained to find satisfying."
Helen De Cruz
14 min read
"Sprezzatura and Wuwei: A Daoist Approach to European Courtly Grace": An Essay by Helen De Cruz (Keywords: Aesthetics; Skill; Beauty; Wonder; Flow; Music; Confucianism; Daoism; Self-Cultivation)
"The admiration that effortlessness invokes comes from a skill that lies beyond skill, which is achieved through mental emptiness."
Jonathon Hawkins and Peter West
15 min read
"A Democratic Approach to Public Philosophy" by Jonathon Hawkins and Peter West
"If academics want to increase uptake and funding, it seems plausible to suggest they must do something that is publicly interesting."
Stephen Darwall
18 min read
"Reparations for American Chattel Slavery" by Stephen Darwall (Keywords: Justice; Hierarchy; Law)
"Arguably, the function of the modern concept of race was to rationalize forms of oppression and subjugation like chattel slavery."
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