"Reclaim or Let Go?": Isabelle Laurenzi reviews The Joy of Consent by Manon Garcia and The Feminist Killjoy Handbook by Sara Ahmed (Keywords: Desire; Feminism; Emancipation; Conceptual Engineering)
"The Place of Hannah Arendt": Jana Schmidt reviews "We Are Free to Change the World: Hannah Arendt’s Lessons in Love and Disobedience" by Lyndsey Stonebridge
"A Different Dream of Labour": Deryn Thomas reviews "Henry at Work: Thoreau on Making a Living" by John Kaag and Jonathan van Belle (Keywords: Public Philosophy; Post-Work; Simone Weil; Hannah Arendt)
"Japanese Philosophy between Eurocentrism and World Philosophy": Leon Krings & Francesca Greco review "The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Philosophy" by Bret W. Davis (ed.)
"The House Always Wins. Or Does It?" Andy West reviews The Idea of Prison Abolition by Tommie Shelby
"Everything You Love Has Gone Woke": Nathan Oseroff-Spicer reviews "Left Is Not Woke" by Susan Neiman
"The Hegemony of Now": A Review of "Chronos: The West Confronts Time" by François Hartog
"On the Feeling of Some Essential Failure": Alexandre Leskanich Reviews "In Praise of Failure" by Costica Bradatan
"The Weight of Forever": Peter Wolfendale reviews "What We Owe the Future" by William MacAskill
"Doing Philosophy While Doing Time": Helena de Bres reviews "The Life Inside" by Andy West
"An Excess of Reality": Alexandre Leskanich reviews "On the Future" by Martin Rees
"Psychedelics and the Limits of Naturalism": A Review by Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes
"Taking Simulation Seriously": Tim Crane reviews "Reality+" by David Chalmers (Keywords: Philosophy of Mind; Technology; Virtual Reality)
"Seeing Civil Disobedience Like a State": Eraldo Souza dos Santos reviews "Seeing Like a State" by Erin Pineda (Keywords: Political Philosophy; Liberalism; Activism)
"Rationality is Me": A Review by Jason Blakely (Keywords: Pinker; Social Science; Enlightenment)
"Embracing Retributivism": A Review by Leo Zaibert; Plus Response from Gregg D. Caruso
"Hopeful Ignorance": Linsey McGoey reviews A Passion for Ignorance by Renata Salecl
"The Rewilding of Philosophy": Alexander Douglas reviews "The Parmenidean Ascent" by Michael Della Rocca
"Are We Decent Deep Down?": David Livingstone Smith reviews "Humankind" by Rutger Bregman
"The Epistemologist's Moment": Jeremy Fantl reviews "Knowing Our Limits" by NAthan Ballantyne